April 7, 2024

This blog post will provide announcements and insights on the updates and progress that has been made by the Abelian Foundation, and the technological advancements and upcoming changes to look forward to from the first week of April, 2024.


Abelian Pro v1.0.1

Abelian Pro: Abelian Desktop Wallet Migration Update

A new Abelian Pro (v1.0.1) mobile wallet is now on both Apple App Store and Android Play Store. It can also be found at the Foundation’s official download page.

In this new version, the tech team has made a secure implementation on the import of desktop wallet accounts from 24-word mnemonic lists, namely, recovery phrases. This can allow existing desktop wallet users to migrate their wallet accounts from the desktop wallet to the Abelian Pro mobile wallet using their 24-word mnemonic lists.

How to export mnemonic list from Abelian Desktop wallet:

It is important for all users to keep the recovery phrase confidential and safe.

Abelian Desktop Wallet settings
Abelian Desktop Wallet REVEAL PASSWORD

First, to export the recovery phrase from your Abelian Desktop Wallet, go to SETTINGS, enter the Master Password, and press the button REVEAL MNEMONICS. Then, pop-up window with the recovery phrase will be displayed and can be copied to the clipboard.

It is highly recommended to copy down this 24-word mnemonic list and keep this list in a safe place.

Second, use the Import Account feature and select Recovery Phrase radio button and input the copied Mnemonic Phrase to Abelian Pro!

Abelian Pro Import Account

There are also a few other minor bug fixes included in this version (v1.0.1) for better app performance and reliability.

Abelian Pro: Chinese Language Update

Besides the above major feature upgrade, the tech team has also updated the Chinese translations of the mobile app for better user experience and interface clarity. The Abelian Pro currently offers English, Vietnamese and Chinese language support.

Download the quantum-safe crypto wallet, Abelian Pro at Apple App Store and Android Play Store. It can also be downloaded directly from the Abelian Foundation’s official website.

Mining OS / Hardware Incompatibility Issue solved with C and Golang implementations

Last week, the infrastructure team finished both the C and Golang implementations of CRYSTALS-Kyber, an NIST standardized Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) cryptographic scheme, which is used in the Abelian network for achieving multi-level privacy preserving ABEL wallets. This symbolizes that the core Abelian implementations, namely, abec and abewallet, are now able to remove the dependencies of liboqs, which is often the root cause of incompatibility when running abec, abewallet or the Abelian desktop wallet on different operating systems and hardware architectures.

For any miners who had experienced issues mining with 3080ti or RX580 cards, this issue has been solved through C and Golang implementations in Abelian’s infrastructure.

Reminder: Strategic Optimization Advised in Abelian’s Mining Pools

As mentioned last week, most of the mining rigs are mining on Baker and Dior. We do suggest new miners or existing miners currently on Alicia and Charlie to consider connecting to Baker. This will give a more balanced distribution of computational power between Baker and Dior, and at the same time, enjoy a higher chance of getting mined payouts. Please visit Abelian’s official mining pool page and spin up your GPU cards to mine.

Things to look forward to

C implementation of the complete suite of Abelian’s lattice-based cryptography

The Abelian Blockchain and native cryptocurrency $ABEL utilizes NIST-standardized lattice-based cryptography to provide quantum-safe security and privacy.

Currently, the team has started doing a C implementation of the suite of lattice-based linkable ring signature and stealth address schemes, codename: pqringctx. Previously, the implementation was written in Golang. Once the C implementation is completed, the team will be able to make a full support on the mnemonic list recovery phrase wallet creation, all locally on a mobile device, and literally be able to support all types of operating systems and hardware architectures.

This C implementation of the complete suite of lattice-based cryptographic primitives will also enable Abelian to run on all kinds of platforms, especially on embedded systems, such as cold wallets.

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Abelian 2024 Rewind: A Year of Innovation, Growth, and Impact

As 2024 draws to a close, Abelian reflects on a transformative year dedicated to advancing blockchain security and privacy for the post-quantum era. Guided by our mission, we remain at the forefront of innovation, leveraging quantum-resistant cryptography and multi-layer privacy protection to secure the future of Web3.

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Abelian 2024 Rewind: A Year of Innovation, Growth, and Impact
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Tech Updates

Abelian CLI Wallet (MLP) New Version Update — v2.0.0

Introducing the CLI Wallet (MLP) v2.0.0 — Your Gateway to Enhanced Privacy and Flexibility! CLI stands for Command-Line-Interface, which is the most fundamental command-prompt wallet of Abelian.

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Abelian CLI Wallet (MLP) New Version Update — v2.0.0
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Abelian is building the foundation of a Post-Quantum world

Abelian is a Layer 1 blockchain engineered to withstand quantum threats. NIST, National Institute of Standards and Technology, has already approved multiple lattice-based cryptographic algorithms for quantum-resistant encryption and digital signature. With lattice-based cryptography, multi-tier privacy, and robust decentralization, Abelian ensures your digital assets to remain secure, private, and future-proof.

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Abelian powers the next-generation Layer 1 blockchain, designed to protect your transactions, assets, and data against adversarial quantum attacks.

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